“Just had the pleasure of attending Naphtali Hoff’s leadership seminar on implementing personnel supervision best practices... To maximize the ROI on their human capital investments, managers should pay heed to this often-minimized but critically important area of leadership. Kudos to Naphtali Hoff and Impactful Coaching and Consulting - great presentation today!”
The Art of Effective Delegation: Using Delegation to Reduce Stress and Increase Productivity
Organizational leaders are overstretched. They have countless responsibilities and finite time and energy to achieve them. In order for leaders to meet their many objectives, they must be able to delegate to other administrators and members of staff.
Making Your Agenda Their Agenda – Building Trust and Consensus Throughout the Organization
Advancing an agenda within organizations can be quite challenging. Research shows that achieving buy-in from key constituents is a crucial component to managing and leading change. This session will identify reasons for constituent resistance and present strategies to help you advance your agenda more smoothly and effectively.
Bringing Your Team Along – The Art of Administrative Mentorship
As leaders, we have many ideas that we seek to implement and objectives that we hope to achieve. In many cases, we need to rely on others within our administrative team to help us make these a reality. Not always, however, do those team members possess the requisite skills and / or experience to achieve our objectives. This workshop will focus on the art of mentoring and empowerment, important skills in augmenting our colleagues’ efficacy and capacity.
Developing Grit and Growth Mindset Within Your Organization
Recent research indicates that both grit and growth mindset are leading indicators of success. These concepts speak to individuals’ and groups’ persistence, tenacity and can-do attitude. Learn more about grit and growth mindset and how they can help your team reach new heights of performance and job satisfaction.
What Are Your True Colors? How Personality Profiles Help Teams Optimize Performance
True Colors is a popular system that offers insight into individuals’ and groups’ personalities, tendencies, leadership styles and blind spots. In this session participants will learn about their colors and understand how best to work with and motivate others.
What Are They Really Thinking? – Effective Tools to Elicit Constituent Feedback
As leaders, we want to know what others are thinking: about our organization, their jobs and us as leaders. Such information can be critical in helping us determine how to approach change and make strategic decisions. This workshop will explore the skill of soliciting genuine, useful feedback that can give leaders more clarity about where things truly stand.
Seeing Beyond the Moment – Strategic Planning and Visioning
The day-to-day grind of school leadership can leave precious little time for some of the crucial “big picture” items that define our mission and help us set our agendas. This session focuses on the importance of being strategic and creating a long-term vision. We will discuss obstacles to visioning as well as pitfalls to avoid along the path of goal setting and implementation.
What's So Special About Us? Identifying and Articulating Your Organization's Unique Character and Strengths
Many schools operate within competitive markets. They need to identify distinguishing qualities that will give them a leg up in their recruitment efforts. Research also shows that identifying and articulating our school’s unique qualities enhance the way that we think about ourselves and our institution. In this workshop we will talk about identifying, communicating and enhancing those distinctive qualities.
“On behalf of the Leadership Development Group I would like to thank you for your wonderful presentation that you delivered. The feedback has been very positive and I myself used some of the material as an catalyst to start some new initiatives.”