Why a mastermind, and why now of all times?
A painful reality for countless non-profit leaders is the endless feeling of being overstretched, overworked, stressed-out and alone.
My clients complain about it all the time.
Especially now.
Let’s face it. COVID has disrupted us in ways that none of us could have imagined.
We’re operating in a period of uncertainty, something unlike we have ever experienced.
Our staffs are depleted and remote, affecting communication, productivity and morale.
We’re pushed to our limits, trying to juggle personal and professional demands, all in a challenging environment.
Even before COVID, it was tough for leaders to grow when they sit alone at top of hill, with no one to be open with.
Recently, a very smart person told me on my podcast that particularly now we need to find the “opportunity on the other side of uncertainty.”
I agree. And that’s what motivated me to launch this mastermind.
(Want to jump straight to the FAQs? Click here.)
Look, you are great at what you do.
That's why you were hired and entrusted to lead others.
But your job is extremely demanding and, too often, isolating.
It's hard to be great at everything.
And when the going gets tough who can you turn to for advice, support and direction?
Why, your mastermind peers, that's who!
Do you want to lead your organization from a position of clarity and confidence?
Would you like to significantly raise the professional standard in your office?
Could your team members benefit from added guidance and direction?
Does your communication and goal-setting leave something to be desired?
Does the thought of learning together and bonding with like-minded, talented peers appeal to you?
If you answered “YES!” to one or more of these questions, then the Impactful Non-Profit Leadership Mastermind may be for you!
If you think it is, let’s schedule a time to talk.
I want to be sure that this is the right move for you.
I also need to be sure that you’re a good fit for the group.
Assuming we check both ☑ boxes, we’ll be good to go!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
“It was a sincere pleasure learning from you and please know that our leadership found value in attending the program as well. You’ve certainly provided food for thought on Board Development. ”
“I attended the Delegate to Accelerate Masterclass with Dr. Hoff. I was impressed with how thorough the information was! Each session was very well planned and stayed on topic, but he also made sure to incorporate each attendee’s questions and concerns into each class. As a result of this class, I feel much more confident in my ability to recognize what work I need to delegate and how to do so effectively. ”
“I enthusiastically recommend the coaching services of Naphtali Hoff. His wisdom and experience generate objective insights and keen observations to help me notice key details I would have otherwise missed. My blind spots can put me at risk for making potentially costly errors. His assistance in processing alternative ways of approaching problems helps me avoid errors and discover options for solutions I may not have considered otherwise.”
Watch this video to learn if the mastermind is right for you!
What is a mastermind and how is it structured? In short, it's a group of like-minded professionals who come together on a regular basis for learning and supportive discussion. Each weekly 60-minute session features teaching and / or a growth exercise (topics to be determined by group members,) followed by a "hot seat / spotlight." When on the hot seat, one participant brings a personal challenge to the group for feedback and suggestions, which the featured member will then use to set growth goals. The hot seat rotates week to week.
How long will it last? The initial commitment is 12 weeks, with the option of continuing. Each session is 60-minutes, with about half of the time spent on learning and the other half on the hot seat.
Where is this happening? On your devices. We will meet on Zoom (password protected, of course.)
Who is participating? A small (6-12,) carefully curated group of motivated, skilled non-profit leaders who want to up their game and build their professional networks.
What commitments are required? There are two. 1) That you show up physically. A missed session or two is to be expected (and everything will be recorded,) but the intent must be on participating weekly. 2) That you show up mentally. There is going to be work involved (don't worry, not that much,) and anyone who participates needs to be present and ready to help support one another.
What does it cost? The cost is $1000 (USD,) paid in advance.
What is the ROI on my investment? Due to the nature of this group, ROI is measured less on metrics (such as profits and sales) and more on qualitative growth. The combination of best-practice learning, growth exercises that will push you to go deep and grow in new ways, the collective wisdom and support of the group, et al, makes the cost a true bargain.
How do I register? All registration happens on my end. This is deliberate, to ensure that only the right kind of people (i.e. highly motivated and committed) participate. Click here to schedule a conversation.