The 3 R's of Rosh Hashana: Reassess, Reconnect and Recommit
The Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana, which begins this evening at sundown, is a unique and awesome day.
It offers us a tremendous opportunity to identify who it is that we are, our relationship with God, and our relationship with each other.
Rosh Hashana is not a day of repentance and begging for forgiveness. That comes later with Yom Kippur.
Instead, it’s about reassessing our relationship with God, reconnecting with Him, understanding who we are and what role we play in His Master Plan.
It’s also about understanding our potential, the seeds of greatness that lie within us and recommitting how we can make a meaningful contribution to the world, to our community, to each other, and of course in our relationship with God.
The word “Rosh”, which means head, captures this idea because it means that we are looking at things from the beginning, where all the DNA, all the potential lies within the future year.
It’s not just about making a couple of resolutions; it’s about changing the trajectory of our year by understanding and unlocking the potential within it: how it all comes together, setting meaningful spiritual, personal and professional goals.
And then taking the necessary action to achieve those goals.
To everyone celebrating Rosh Hashana, I wish you a Shanah Tovah, a happy and healthy Jewish New Year.
P.S. If you’d like to make this the year that you finally hurdle past the things that have been holding you back and achieve breakthrough results, please reach out for free conversation to learn more about how I can help.