Write Your Way to Success with Roger Brooks: Lead to Succeed 71

Have you been thinking of authoring a book, but have no idea where to begin? This episode is for you. Roger Brooks is a three-time best-selling author, podcaster, and personal development coach specializing in helping people write their first book.

When Roger was young, one thing that stood out in his life was his passion for writing. His teachers noticed it and encouraged him to pursue that talent. Also, his aunt, who was a writer, kept pushing him to explore his talent. 

Besides writing books and helping people write their first books, Roger hosts a show called American Real. The podcast gives him room to meet many high-quality people. In this episode, Roger shares how to make connections and nurture relationships with the possibility of a future connection.

Listen and learn from Roger Brooks.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

[02:41] Why Roger is fascinated by books and how he helps people

[07:40] Why are people writing books and where does Roger come in?

[12:12] How Roger got into American Real and the podcasting world

[18:09] How can leaders integrate storytelling in their leadership?

[22:17] The importance of connecting with high-quality people

[25:09] How to nurture relationships that create the possibility for future connections

[31:48] Rapid fire questions

Magical Quotes from the Episode:

  • “If you want to turn the tables where people start to call you versus you calling them. The best thing you could do is write. You can write for your local chamber, local business journal, regional business journal or you can write a book.”

  • “If you could kind of visualize a 10-chapter book about 15 pages a chapter. 150-page book, it’s doable in 12 weeks, if you stay focused.”

  • “Don’t let a lot of time go by, without reaching out to those people, because you never know. They may think of something where they might call on you, or vice versa. Stay in touch with people don’t just reach out when you need something. “

  • “Nothing in life I found comes easy. We must put in the work. We must keep challenging ourselves to get better at what we do, and to take on more. “

  • “As humans can really elevate ourselves daily, to do better today than we did yesterday, weekly to do better this week than I did last week monthly. It goes on and on and on. “

  • “Don’t be afraid to look at some of your contacts for potential partnerships.”

  • “The most urgent question in life is, what can you do for others. “-Martin Luther King Junior.

  • “Be honest with people, they’ll respect you more. “


Resources Mentioned:

The Little Red Book of Selling- Jeffrey Gitomer: https://www.amazon.com/Little-Red-Book-Selling-Principles/dp/1885167601 

Connect with Roger Brooks:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rogerlbrooks/ 

American Real: https://www.americanreal.tv/ 

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