Posts tagged success
How AI Can Revolutionize Your Business or Organization

As you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business and social impact, there's a revolutionary tool waiting to transform your operations: Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Whether you're striving for business growth or aiming to maximize your nonprofit's impact, integrating AI can be a game-changer.

AI isn't just for tech giants. It's a powerful ally that can streamline operations, enhance decision-making, and elevate your organization's efficiency and effectiveness.

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Replace "No" with "Not Yet"

I was eleven years old, and I was thoroughly embarrassed.

A week earlier, one of the counselors had asked me if I would share a Torah thought at an upcoming Shabbos (Sabbath) camp meal in front of hundreds of others.

I was a pretty confident kid, so I agreed.

And then I spent many minutes preparing.

When the time arrived, I stood up on the bench and started speaking.

Towards the end, my mind froze and I couldn't remember the next part.

Somehow, I got through it, but I crumbled inside from embarrassment.

Which resulted in me burying myself underneath the table afterwards in shame.

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Set up your people for success

Eighty-six percent of employees say they’re most productive when they work from home, as cited by Fundera. Seventy-seven percent of employees report greater productivity while working off-site, according to the Remote Collaborative Worker Survey by CoSo Cloud. Sixty-four percent of global business leaders said flexible working had a positive impact on productivity, Condeco reports. Telecommuters are 14% more productive than their office-bound colleagues, according to a study released by Stanford University. Research found that working from home increases job performance and productivity while also decreasing the number of sick days taken.

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11 Traits of Successful People

Are you curious to know what separates the truly successful from everyone else? Do you want to know what the highest performers do that distinguish them from the pack?

Well, between my experience with my own high-achieving clients and my research, here are some qualities that I came up with.

  1. Drive and passion – Successful people are driven and passionate about what they do. They work harder than most and make sure things get done. They take pride in seeing things getting completed and take charge when necessary. Their passion is contagious and rubs off on others around them, who start to believe what they believe.

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Leadership: It's what you make of it

A parable is told about a pencil-maker who was preparing to put an important pencil in a box. Before doing so, though, he took the pencil aside. “There are five things you need to know,” he said. “If you can remember these five things, you will become the best pencil you can be.”

You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to in someone else’s hand.

  1. Sharpening is painful, but it is critical if you want to write sharply.
  2. Since you have an eraser, you can correct most mistakes you make, though some may be harder to erase than others.
  3. Remember, it’s what’s inside that’s most important.
  4. Whatever surface you on, make sure you leave your mark. No matter how hard, rough, or easy, you must continue to write.

This parable shares powerful lessons for every leader.

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What are your goals for 2022?

For the past couple of days I’ve been working on my 2022 goals 🎯

I have never gone this in-depth before 🔎

Breaking down my desired annual INCOME (nearly twice last year's, which was a record breaker,) source by source, goal by goal

Adding other areas as well, including:

IMPACT - on others, including family and community, through teaching, coaching, posting, and more, and

HEALTH AND WELLBEING - regular exercise/weight management, increased travel (business and pleasure,) study, and more.

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Never, ever give up!

Their presence triggered mixed emotions

Recently, at Sabbath prayer services, a group of young men were in attendance

Turns out that they attended a NYC yeshiva that I had interviewed at when I was in process of leaving Atlanta eight years ago

That job search, like a few others, had come up empty, and again I was feeling low

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Blazing Your Own Path to Success

Did you ever look around in amazement at people around you that don’t appear to be all that extraordinary yet have achieved extraordinary things? These are people who have greatly succeeded in business, in politics, in the arts, in sports, or in some other space, but in many respects seem pretty much on par with you (or even inferior to you) in terms of their core abilities and talents. How is it, you wonder, that they “made it” in such a robust manner while you continue to middle along in relative obscurity, earning a pedestrian income and feeling somewhat unfulfilled?

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