We all face fear of failure. It often arises when we step into the unknown, unsure of how we’ll perform or how our efforts will be received. Recently, I faced two such situations that stretched my comfort zone and tested my ability to rise above self-doubt.
Read MoreI was eleven years old, and I was thoroughly embarrassed.
A week earlier, one of the counselors had asked me if I would share a Torah thought at an upcoming Shabbos (Sabbath) camp meal in front of hundreds of others.
I was a pretty confident kid, so I agreed.
And then I spent many minutes preparing.
When the time arrived, I stood up on the bench and started speaking.
Towards the end, my mind froze and I couldn't remember the next part.
Somehow, I got through it, but I crumbled inside from embarrassment.
Which resulted in me burying myself underneath the table afterwards in shame.