Learning to Sell Was My Only Option

11 years ago, my life changed forever.

In July 2013, my tenure as Head of School was already over.

But my new career was very much an unknown.

And, if I'm being honest, I was scared.

I was still living in Atlanta, still trying to solidify my next steps.

One thing was clear, I was going out on my own.

Not that I had necessarily chosen to.

It's just that there were no suitable school leadership positions available at that time.

Though the thought of becoming a coach and consultant definitely pulled at me.

And what better time than the present to make it happen, right?

Other than, of course, my need to relocate and support my family to/in one of the most expensive markets in the US.

Whether I was fully prepared to or not, I dove in.

The beginning was not easy. Far from it.

I assumed that hanging a shingle, launching a website, and sending out an introductory letter would get things going.

But it took much more than that to land on my feet and build the relationships and reputation to make this work.

Lots of hard work in the trenches, including completing a doctorate, writing 2 books, penning multiple eBooks, hundreds of articles, and scores of blog posts, producing nearly 150 podcast episodes, and completing thousands of coaching sessions, mastermind sessions, training sessions, keynotes, etc.

Just typing that is exhausting!

How did I manage to close so many coaching clients and training opportunities?

Through branding, marketing, and way more selling than I had ever imagined.

When I was head of school, I didn’t have to sell much.

Yes, I would meet with community leaders, prospective parents, donors, and others to sell the school.

But that was a relatively small part of my job.

Since then, I have had to sell continually, through social media posting, email, messaging, and yes, calling.

Which, coming from someone who had never even been on social media until that time, was (and remains) a challenge.

That’s why I’m so passionate about my upcoming Overcoming Call Reluctance webinar (Thursday at 11:00 Eastern).

It took me years to learn how to sell effectively (the truth is, I’m still learning) and develop the mindset to overcome my own reluctance to pick up the phone.

  1. What would I say?

  2. How can I communicate the value of my work?

  3. Is there a way to talk price/fees without feeling salesy?

These and other questions used to hold me back.

But not anymore.

Do you want to learn the mindsets that help regular salespeople (or anyone who needs to make non-sales sales) succeed and rise to the top?

Then register now.