11 years ago, my life changed forever.
In July 2013, my tenure as Head of School was already over.
But my new career was very much an unknown.
And, if I'm being honest, I was scared.
Call reluctance is a common challenge that plagues many salespeople, from novices to seasoned professionals. It's the hesitation or fear that creeps in when it's time to pick up the phone and reach out to potential customers. This reluctance can significantly impact a salesperson's performance, career progression, and overall success in the field.
Read MoreWhen I talk with professionals about sales training, I often get a response like “Yeah, but I’m not in sales!” My response is that while they don't have an explicit sales-related title, most professionals engage in some form of sales. This concept is often referred to as "non-sales selling" or "invisible selling."
Read MoreI'm currently listening to Jia Jiang's Rejection Proof.
It's a powerful story about how the author's personal fear of rejection and desire to please others created an unintentional international movement to help people overcome rejection and get more out of life and their careers.
Which is one of the areas that I will be focusing on in my upcoming webinar training, "Overcoming Call Reluctance."