Posts in strategy
Simply Ask: “What If?”

Running a small business requires constant creativity, adaptability, and a willingness to think outside the box. It’s easy to fall into routine patterns, but these habits can sometimes limit your ability to innovate and grow. Enter the “What If” exercise—a simple yet powerful tool that can help you break free from conventional thinking, explore new possibilities, and take purposeful action.

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To Get Ahead, Learn to Think Differently

In the most recent session of the mastermind group I run, I challenged members to think differently about their businesses and how they can make 2025 their best year yet. All of us have been affected by the downturn in the economy and some are also feeling the effects of AI and disruptive trends to our business operations. By learning to think differently, I wanted each of us to identify new possibilities for growth and then get focused on bringing those ideas to life.

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Why Salespeople Experience Call Reluctance

Call reluctance is a common challenge that plagues many salespeople, from novices to seasoned professionals. It's the hesitation or fear that creeps in when it's time to pick up the phone and reach out to potential customers. This reluctance can significantly impact a salesperson's performance, career progression, and overall success in the field.

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How big should your goals be?

Now that we have determined which tasks we need to be doing, the next step is to set clear, actionable goals that will help us get our tasks done. Goal setting is a critical component of any growth process, personal or professional.

There are many benefits of setting goals, including:

  • Clarity and focus: Goals motivate us to cut through the weeds and get focused on what’s really important

  • Planning: Goals help us map out the necessary steps to achieve our desired result

  • Accountability: Goals force us to set and meet deadlines and be accountable to others

  • Transparency: When shared, goals help others understand what we’re focused on

  • Self-esteem: Goals raise our self-confidence as we see ourselves grow and progress

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4 Networking Tips For Introverts (and Extroverts, too!)

Do you go to networking events?

And are you an introvert?

If you are, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed. How will you manage in a large, crowded space?

Good news! It doesn’t have to be scary or impossible to navigate.

To those who say otherwise, I say “B.S.!”

No. Not THAT B.S.

Here are my 4 “B.S.” networking strategies for #introverts.

  1. Be Still

  2. Be Strategic

  3. Be Seen

  4. Be Sticky

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Setting Your Inner Prisoner Free

Of all the great biblical personalities, I connect most to Joseph.

Why? Because of his ability to forgive and see God's hands in everything, even his own pain.

When Joseph finally revealed his identity to the brothers who had sold him into slavery 22 years earlier, he told them not to worry. Everything that happened, he said, had been divinely orchestrated to allow the family to survive the terrible famine.

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Build a Leadership Character

In contemporary contexts we have increasingly come to think of leaders as well-positioned people with strong connections. These men and women are in ample possession of intellect, charisma, power, and wealth. More often than not, we judge them (and, consequently, they judge themselves,) by what they have, or what they have been able to achieve in advancing their institution’s bottom line.

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It’s All About Influence

By prioritizing the well-being of their people, exceptional organizations moti­vate their workers to give everything they’ve got to advance the organization. Peter Drucker once described it as, “lifting a person’s vision to high sights… raising… a person’s performance to a higher standard… (going) beyond its normal limitations.”

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