Posts tagged learning
The Power of Active Engagement

One of the most valuable insights I’ve gained over the years—whether working with business professionals or educators—is that active engagement always outperforms passive participation. It’s a principle that applies universally, from the boardroom to the classroom, and it has a profound impact on learning, collaboration, and growth.

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Living Up to Your Potential: How to Unleash Your Best Self

Living up to your potential is more than just achieving success; it’s about tapping into your unique strengths and purpose. This journey can be challenging, but with commitment and self-awareness, anyone can make meaningful strides. Here’s a guide on how to discover, nurture, and realize your true potential, with actionable steps to help you along the way.

1. Define Your Vision – To reach your potential, start with a clear vision of where you want to go. Without a roadmap, you may end up feeling lost or uncertain.

Action Step: Reflect on your long-term goals. Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, or 20 years? Write down your aspirations, whether they are related to career, relationships, or personal growth. Revisit this vision often to remind yourself of your purpose.

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Work Harder ON Your Business Than IN It

Picture this: It's 7 PM on a Thursday night. You're still at your desk, buried under a mountain of emails, invoices, and customer inquiries. The rest of the office is empty, but you're stuck there, feeling like you're barely keeping your head above water. Sound familiar? If you're nodding your head, you're not alone. This scenario is all too common for entrepreneurs and small business owners who find themselves caught in the never-ending cycle of working in their business rather than on it.

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Being an abundant mentor

Mentoring programs typically fail because one or more positive ingredients listed above are missing. Without question, the mentor’s head has to be fully in the game. When I first began as a head of school, I was assigned an experienced mentor from a different school on the other side of the country. He agreed to help me as a favor, and, predictably, as the school year progressed and his schedule became increasingly more filled, our time together dwindled to the point that the relationship had practically ended on its own.

In addition, a mentor has to be able to earn the protégé’s trust. That is not as simple as it sounds. In addition to demonstrating capacity, effective mentors find ways to make their protégés genuinely feel that they have the mentor’s best interests in mind.

One great way by which to build such trust is to think in abundance. Abundance theory sees the world as offering infinite possibilities. It suggests that not only is there plenty to go around (the opposite of scarcity thinking) but it also posits that my helping others will help me, in terms of sharpening my skillset and building increased capacity and demand within the field.

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Is social media making our kids "intrapersonally stupid?"

Of Howard Gardner’s identified multiple intelligences, perhaps the one that we tap into least in the classroom is intrapersonal intelligence, also known as being “self-smart.” Examples of intrapersonal intelligence include quiet contemplation, reflection and analysis, where we ask our students to go deep within themselves to connect and make and offer meaning.

Intrapersonal intelligence can be seen as the opposite of interpersonal intelligence, or being “people smart.” In many ways, 21st-century learning has been a huge boon for interpersonal learning. The current emphasis on cooperative learning and collaboration has focused students more than ever on communication and idea sharing.

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Build a Leadership Character

In contemporary contexts we have increasingly come to think of leaders as well-positioned people with strong connections. These men and women are in ample possession of intellect, charisma, power, and wealth. More often than not, we judge them (and, consequently, they judge themselves,) by what they have, or what they have been able to achieve in advancing their institution’s bottom line.

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It’s All About Influence

By prioritizing the well-being of their people, exceptional organizations moti­vate their workers to give everything they’ve got to advance the organization. Peter Drucker once described it as, “lifting a person’s vision to high sights… raising… a person’s performance to a higher standard… (going) beyond its normal limitations.”

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Leadership Matters More Than You Might Think

Perhaps more so than in any era of human history, modern society has placed a pronounced emphasis on the study of human leadership. Few foci have consumed the collective interest of university researchers, think tanks, executive coaches, corporate consultants, business magnates and internet bloggers more than identifying the special mix of qualities and actions that produce and sustain strong headship.

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