Sleep: The Overlooked Health Pillar

In my house, which includes an 11-year-old, I am typically the first to get to bed. This naturally makes me the butt of many jokes and comments. (In my defense, I’m also the first to rise, sometime in the 5:00 am hour). My goal each night is to get 7 hours of sleep, as I find that on days when I sleep for a shorter duration, I am tired throughout the day. But getting adequate sleep isn’t just about being less tired. It’s one of the most important things we can do to preserve our health and improve our chances of longevity.

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Work Harder ON Your Business Than IN It

Picture this: It's 7 PM on a Thursday night. You're still at your desk, buried under a mountain of emails, invoices, and customer inquiries. The rest of the office is empty, but you're stuck there, feeling like you're barely keeping your head above water. Sound familiar? If you're nodding your head, you're not alone. This scenario is all too common for entrepreneurs and small business owners who find themselves caught in the never-ending cycle of working in their business rather than on it.

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Why Salespeople Experience Call Reluctance

Call reluctance is a common challenge that plagues many salespeople, from novices to seasoned professionals. It's the hesitation or fear that creeps in when it's time to pick up the phone and reach out to potential customers. This reluctance can significantly impact a salesperson's performance, career progression, and overall success in the field.

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You’re in Sales, Whether You Know it or Not

When I talk with professionals about sales training, I often get a response like “Yeah, but I’m not in sales!” My response is that while they don't have an explicit sales-related title, most professionals engage in some form of sales. This concept is often referred to as "non-sales selling" or "invisible selling."

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12 Reasons We Struggle to Be More Productive

Most people struggle to be productive. These struggles can stem from a range of internal and external factors, each contributing to inefficiencies and a sense of unfulfillment. By understanding the root causes of our productivity barriers, we can take targeted actions to overcome them. Here are some of the main reasons why people like us struggle with productivity:

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Why the Best Leaders are Great Communicators

When we think about the best leaders we've encountered, a common trait often stands out: they're all great communicators. Whether it's inspiring a team, guiding a company through change, or fostering innovation, effective communication is at the heart of successful leadership. In this article, we'll dive into why great leaders excel at communication and how it boosts productivity and success within an organization.

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Set Monthly Goals

When I talk with my clients about goal setting, they commonly assume that it should be done daily. Thay assume that by setting goals daily, they’ll be more focused and stay on top of things better. Imagine their surprise, then, when I tell them that their goals should be written in monthly increments, if not longer.

There’s something special about setting monthly goals that can really boost our productivity and satisfaction in the long run. Setting goals for the month ahead gives us a bigger picture view of what we want to achieve. It's like having a roadmap that guides our daily actions towards meaningful outcomes and long-term success.

Research supports the notion that incorporating monthly goals into your planning routine can lead to significant benefits. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that individuals who set monthly goals were more likely to achieve their long-term objectives compared to those who focused solely on daily tasks. This is because monthly goals provide a sense of continuity and strategic direction, helping individuals stay motivated and maintain consistency in their efforts.

Initially, daily planning might seem appealing because it focuses on managing immediate tasks and deadlines. It gives us a sense of accomplishment as we check off items from our to-do lists. However, daily planning can sometimes lead to a short-term mindset where we prioritize urgent tasks over important goals. It's like getting lost in the details and losing sight of the bigger picture.

Here are some reasons as to why you should zoom out and set longer term goals, before you zero in on the specific actions for each day.

1. Long-term vision: Monthly goals help you keep your eye on the prize. They give you a clear sense of where you want to go and what you want to accomplish over time.

2. Strategic alignment: When you set goals for the month, you're able to prioritize tasks that matter most. It’s about focusing your energy on what moves the needle towards your bigger aspirations.

3. Resource management: Efficiently using your time and resources is key to getting things done. Monthly goals help you allocate your resources wisely, ensuring you have what you need to succeed without burning out.

4. Tracking progress: Checking in on your monthly goals lets you see how far you’ve come and where you might need to adjust course. It’s like marking milestones along the way to celebrate your wins and learn from your challenges.

5. Staying motivated: Having monthly goals keeps you motivated and focused. They break down your long-term dreams into smaller, achievable steps that keep you moving forward.

6. Adapting to change: While daily plans keep you flexible day to day, monthly goals give you a sturdy framework to adapt to changes and seize new opportunities. They help you stay on track without losing sight of your ultimate goals.

In essence, while daily planning helps manage the hustle of everyday life, integrating monthly goal setting into your routine nurtures a habit of strategic thinking and planning. It empowers you to align your actions with your long-term vision, boosting your productivity and paving the way for personal and professional growth. So, why not give monthly goals a try and see how they can elevate your journey towards success?

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